Portion News: keep up with the times in fun, bite-sized chunks!

As third years students (key word being “students”) they try to make us work at university (I know, the nerve!)…so me (Katie Graczyk) and Stacey Spencer have created and begun our third year project, Portion News.  Don’t know what our project is all about?  We’ll explain!

Our Portion News policy is: we think there’s enough in life that’s tricky and reading online news doesn’t need to be.  Welcome to Portion News, an online news website which provides bite-sized news for busy people-like you!

So, you might be wondering, what is Portion News all about?  You’d be a smart cookie to ask that and here’s the answer: our website offers the same quality, up-to-date news you’d find at other online sources, only better.  Our website will cover news topics such as:

–       General news (we’re based in Birmingham, England so we’ll give you news from our neck of the woods, but national and international news too).

 –       Sports news (so if England is in the FA cup, the Boston Red Socks make it to the World Series or the Super Bowl is approaching, you’ll hear about it from us!).

 –       Entertainment news (should a new band hit the scene or a celebrity update happens, we’ll make sure you know about it first!).

 We’ll remember to keep it simple (we’re not into complicated) by only reporting the most critical “4 points” from the news stories we provide:  what happened, who was involved, where it happened and other significant details in the story.

Why visit Portion News instead of a different news source?

We recognize you as an individual and know that you aren’t boring.  You want news coverage that’s unique and entertaining-right?  Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.  Portion News is creative, fun and unique news; we’re not just the run-of-the-mill articles and pictures.  News doesn’t have to be bland or feel like a lecture, that’s our philosophy.  We’re all about fun (we’d sing and dance for you if we could!).  We offer a variety of ways to “get your daily portion.”  Your “portion” of news is available in different outlets:

–       Video- This is done through 12seconds which you’ll find on our “Port-tv: Let’s watch” tab

 –       Port-Xpress- We use Twitter to offer quick updates on current news stories which you’ll find more information describing this outlet on our     “Port-Xpress: Twitter” tab

 –       Audio- Our audio section offers quick 30 second sound clips and on the “Port-ear: Listen up” tab of our website you can find out more about this outlet

 –       Mini articles- Our “smaller portions” tab offers you itty-bitty articles (350 words or less) on current events in sports, general news or entertainment.  Visit this tab to get your smaller portions!

 Who’s who?

Who’s who?Our “you oughta know” tab displays mini overviews of famous, important people and political figures. It’s the cliff’s notes of important people!  Check it out! 

 We like to share.

 We understand that the internet is not a one-sided way to dispense information, it’s for sharing.  You have a voice and we want to hear what’s going in your world.  That’s where the “my Port-Let’s Share” tab comes in.  If you’ve got a story we’ve missed or something you think should be included in our website content-don’t be shy, let us know!

 We’re not hiding-come and find us: Portion News’ Public Relations

 We offer updates about our site on Facebook, Flickr and YouTube (yup, we happen to like the internet, a lot!).  Our Flickr page offers a profile of our news website and pretty pictures with captions of events we’ve attended.  If we attend a media event to promote Portion News (in the Birmingham area), there’s a good chance we’ve brought something yummy to share with the group–come along and have a treat with us!  Through our Flickr page you can track our website’s progress and see Portion News out and about!

Get your share!!!

We hope you’re convinced and you’ll visit us for your daily news…but we’ve got one last thing to say.  We know everything in life isn’t a piece of cake, but we feel keeping up to date with news on our website can be.  Visit Portion News for fun, bite-sized, uncomplicated news!

Still confused?  Check out our website to find out everything you need to know about our project, and us!  We like social networking sites like Twitter, come find us and have a chat (our details for Twitter and other ways to reach us are on our “about us” tab on the website).  Thanks for reading about our project and we hope you’ll visit our site to get your share!


Check out our website at http://portionnews.co.uk/, our Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/47162094@N04/, our Facebook http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=215766517855&ref=mf, or find us on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/PortionNews

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