‘Unrivaled’ – The Film Review

If you’re the kind of person that likes bad acting, bad fighting and the half naked female entity then this film is perfect for you, in the form of ‘Unrivaled’ released on DVD  May 24th.

Following my recent viewing of the film, I’ve come to the conclusion that there are a million other films out there that are much better and don’t cost you an arm and a leg to buy.

The film is centred round a middle aged man, struggling with everyday life forced into having two jobs; one as a barman at a strip club, the other a small time back-room cage fighter. Throughout the film he falls in love with the waitress of the strip club, make enemies with a gang leader who he owes a lot of money, and gets signed up to compete in the biggest cage fighting event in America to win big money. Although he is against fighting in the event due to shoulder injuries and age, he feels the need to continue what his mother started many years ago, she herself was a fighter.

Throughout the film I became increasingly bored with the bland slow music, shoddy camera work and badly choreographed fighting scenes. And with every minute that passed my eyelids got heavier with boredom.

The main character Ringo Duran has the personality and acting skills of a plank of wood, and by the end of the film you’d wish you could kill him with a plank of wood yourself.

Admittedly there is a lot of female nudity within the first 45 minutes, but that still doesn’t make up for the bad acting throughout this film.

There are also bits in the film where I got lost and start to question what was going on in the fighting scenes.   

The film has a good storyline but is spoilt in every way possible; it feels as if it’s missing something. It also just feels as if they’ve tried there hardest but it isn’t working at all.

If you’re looking for a good martial arts tournament or fighting films then I would suggest going for something like ‘Enter the Dragon’ with Bruce Lee or ‘Rocky’ with Sylvester Stallone. These films are undoubtedly going to be a fraction of the cost of a full price film like this one.

Either way I would steer clear of this film. 1/5

Josh Smith

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